꺾은선그래프 문장 쓰기 연습입니다.
아래 댓글에 아래의 구문을 이용해 작성한 문장 1개를 작성해봅시다.
더 많이 작성하는 것은 말리지 않겠습니다.(Actually, the more the better)
오늘은 성장을 보였다는 의미인 While S+V, S+V.를 연습하겠습니다.
While S+V(모두 up), S+V(그 중에 1개만 계속 up).
-While both companies saw growth to 2019, only the figures for company B is predicted to see continued growth up to 2030.
-While both sectors saw growth to 2018, only the figures for finance are predicted to see continued growth up to 2030.
-While both countries saw growth to 2017, only the figures for country A are predicted to see continued growth up to 2028.
-While both items saw growth to 2011, only the figures for cotton are predicted to see continued growth up to 2035.
자, 이제 연습 갑시다!
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