Speaking Part2 연습장

Speaking Part2을 말하는 법을 연습합니다.

연습은 총 3단계로 진행됩니다.

1단계-모범 답안 연습

2단계-문장 말하기 연습

3단계-전체 말하기 연습

<1단계-모범 답안 연습장>

대표 문장 연습입니다.

Describe an important historical event in your country.
You should say:
• when it happened
• who was involved
• what caused the event
and explain what people think about the event nowadays.

[Answer]Actually, I can talk about a historical event that I witnessed in person in my country. It happened in November 1989, when I was just a young boy, about 10 years old. All my life there had been a wall dividing our city- and our country- into East and West. I often saw the wall when I went around town with my family or friends. It was a fact of
life. I never expected it to come down in my lifetime, but I often wondered what it would have been like to live on the other side. As I lived on the Western side, I had been on the other side several times, but I knew that my aunt and my cousins, who lived in the East, were not allowed to come over to our side. But that winter’s night it all changed. We could hear people running through the streets shouting ‘Tor auf’ – ‘Open the gate!’ Even though it was past midnight, my parents took my sisters and I to the wall. It was like a huge street party. People were dancing and shouting, everyone was excited. At midnight they opened the checkpoints and people from the East flooded through. We bought a huge bunch of flowers from a stand. My sisters and I handed them out to people coming across from the East to welcome them. At the time I didn’t know what caused the event, but later I found out it was the end of the Cold War. People still
think of this event as a symbol of peace. I was very fortunate to be present to see history being made. Those of us who live in Berlin often think what life would be like today if the wall hadn’t come down on that fateful night in 1989.


1)사실 나는 우리나라에서 직접 본 역사적 사실에 대해서 말할 수 있다.

1)Actually, I can talk about a historical event that I witnessed in person in my country.

2)1989년에 일어난 일이다. 내가 10살의 어린 소년이었을 때이다.

2)It happened in November 1989, when I was just a young boy, about 10 years old.

3)나는 평생 우리 나라(독일)와 도시를 동서로 나누는 벽을 봤다.

3)All my life there had been a wall dividing our city- and our country- into East and West.

4)나는 가족이나 친구들과 마을을 돌아다닐 때 자주 그 벽을 보왔다. 이것은 현실이었다.

4)I often saw the wall when I went around town with my family or friends. It was a fact of life

5)나는 그 벽이 내가 살아있는 동안 부서질 것이라고 기대해본적이 없다. 그러나 나는 다른 쪽의 삶은 어떤 모습일 지 자주 궁금했다.

5) I never expected it to come down in my lifetime, but I often wondered what it would have been like to live on the other side.

6)내가 서독에 살면서, 나는 다른 쪽에 몇 번 가본적이 있다. 그러나 나는 동독에 사는 이모와 삼촌이 우리쪽으로 넘어올 수 없다는 것을 알았다.

6)As I lived on the Western side, I had been on the other side several times, but I knew that my aunt and my cousins, who lived in the East, were not allowed to come over to our side. 

7)그러나 겨울밤 모든 것은 변했다. 우리는 사람들이 거리를 뛰어다니며 '문을 열어라!'라고 외치는 것을 들었다.

7) But that winter’s night it all changed. We could hear people running through the streets shouting ‘Tor auf’ – ‘Open the gate!’

9)이것은 엄청난 거리의 파티였다. 사람들은 춤을 추고, 소리지르며, 모든 사람들이 흥분된 상태였다.

9) It was like a huge street party. People were dancing and shouting, everyone was excited. 

10) 자정에 그들은 체크포인트를 열고, 사람들이 동부로부터 몰려들어왔다.

10)At midnight they opened the checkpoints and people from the East flooded through.

11)우리는 가판대에서 큰 꽃다발을 샀다. 누나들과 나는 그것을 동부에서 오는 사람들을 환영하기 위해 나누어 줬다.

11)We bought a huge bunch of flowers from a stand. My sisters and I handed them out to people coming across from the East to welcome them.

12)당시에 나는 무엇이 이 사건을 일으켰는 지 알 지 못했다. 그러나 이후에 나는 이것이 냉전의 종식이었음을 알게 되었다.

12)At the time I didn’t know what caused the event, but later I found out it was the end of the Cold War. 

13)사람들은 여전히 이 사건을 평화의 상징으로 생각한다. 역사가 만들어지는 것을 보다니, 나는 정말 운이 좋았다.

13) People still think of this event as a symbol of peace. I was very fortunate to be present to see history being made.

14)우리중에 베를린에 사는 사람들은 자주 만약 1989년 그 운명적인 밤에 그 벽이 부서지지 않았다면, 오늘날 어떤 모습일까 자주 생각해본다.

14)Those of us who live in Berlin often think what life would be like today if the wall hadn’t come down on that fateful night in 1989.

<2단계-문장 쓰기 연습장>

Task1 한 문장을 연습하는 포스팅입니다. 이곳에 올라오는 포스팅에 댓글을 이용해서 1문장을 연습하세요.

<3단계-전체 쓰기 연습장>

Speaking Part2 기출문제를 보면서 전체 답안을 말해봅시다.

제목 작성일


사업자 번호: 809-22-00864

대표자: 최경훈

사업자 주소: 서울특별시 서초구 효령로77길 18(서초동), 12층

대표번호: 010-5782-3616

이메일 주소: TEATWOTS@gmail.com


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