Task1 문장암기


2021-08-16 19:01


Visitors residing on the island during their travels began the period at about 0.75 million, about 500,000 above those on cruise ships.


1)Travellers staying on the island during their travels began the period at about 0.25 million, about 300,000 above those on cruise ships.

2)People residing on the island during their travels began the period at about 1 million, about 800,000 above those on ships.

3)Citizens residing on the island during their visits began the peirod at about 2 million, about 1 million above those in the town.

4)Students styaing on the island during their travels began the peirod at about 500,000, about 100,000 above those on cruise ships.

5)Musicians staying in the hotel during their tours began the period at about 3.4 million, about 500,000 above those on cruise ships.

6)Scientists residing in the apartment during their conferences began the peirod at about 5 million, about 10,000 above those on cruise ships.

7)Visitors residing on the cruise ships during their travels began the period at about 10 million, about 1 million above those on the island.

8)Travellers staying in the hotel during their journeys began the period at about 9 million, about 2 million below those in hostels.

9)Visitors using cars during their visits began the period at about 2 million, about 50,000 above those using taxi.

10)Visitors using their own smartphones began the period at about 1 million about 500,000 below those using the payphone.


Gyeong-hoon Choi

전체 0


사업자 번호: 809-22-00864

대표자: 최경훈

사업자 주소: 서울시 서초구 서초동 1338-25

대표번호: 02-554-0616

팩스번호: 02-554-0616

이메일 주소: TEATWOTS@gmail.com


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