Part3유형 문장쓰기 연습1

Part3유형 문장쓰기 연습입니다.

아래 댓글에 아래의 구문을 이용해 작성한 문장 1개를 작성해봅시다.

더 많이 작성하는 것은 말리지 않겠습니다.(Actually, the more the better)


오늘은 On the other hand,를 연습하겠습니다.



S+V. On the other hand, S+V.



Being a child star is bittersweet. On one hand, you’re loved by millions, but on the other hand you’re forever remembered for what you did years ago.



-Being a celebrity is bittersweet. On one hand, you’re loved by many people, but on the other hand you don’t have any privacy.

-Making more money is bittersweet. On one hand, you’re able to do anything you want, but on the other hand you don’t have time to actually do it.

-Being a good friend is bittersweet. On on hand, you can be helped by him or her, but on the other hand you have to help them back.


자, 이제 연습 갑시다!

2020년 12월 3일

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